The iPhone party for all blinds starts!
First, I might have reported in the past, we complained about recent changes of Skype app, which was quite accessible in version 3.1.2 that Daniel still uses, but not the latest 5 that Juan and my iPhone 4 has.
Our complaints about Skype for iPhone as blind persons is that the Skype app is no longer 100% compatible with VoiceOver, the screen reader for iPhone.
The menu organization is getting more complicated as new and useless features are added to Skype, and most of all, Skype screws up the speaker output so blind people can no longer use iPhone while Skype is running... and there is no way to quit Skype unless force quitting from app switcher!
Blind people rely on using iPhone with loud speaker to hear what's on screen, so if Skype mutes or switches the sound output to ear speaker, I cannot hear anything loud... even if someone is calling me, I cannot know I am receiving any audible incoming notifications!
Daniel still has the older Skype app, so I copied the ipa file to my MacBook Pro and Synchronise it, but it seems that iPa file is tied to Daniel's Apple ID, it did not accept my Apple ID to activate it... I do purchase Skype, so why Apple wouldn't let me downgrade???
音声で画面を読み上げてくれないので、私はこの場でのiOS 5へのアップグレードは、断念。
Next, we were dare to upgrade our iPhone OS to the recently-announced iOS 5.
As Windows users, Daniel and Juan have no problem upgrading to iOS5, but as it for my turn, I have to go through extra frustrating steps to complete the upgrade because I am a mobileme subscriber and am a Mac user!
When trying to download iOS5 via iTunes, it forces me to log into iCloud website to complete migrating from mobileme to iCloud before downloading and installing iOS 5!
If things will go smoothly, that would be okay, but Apple is so inconsiderate for blind users using a mac with VoiceOver, iCloud website is TOTALLY INCOMPATIBLE WITH VoiceOver, I cannot log in to continue migration processes!
Daniel laughed at me with his Windows-loaded MacBook Pro that is the exactly same model as mine, saying this is one of the reasons why he does not move to MacOS and sticks with MacBook Pro running Windows 7!
I ended up getting some help by Neil the director/cameraman, who is a Mac user, to sort the iCloud migration process.
iPhoneのシステムをアップグレードできない私に向かって、ダニエルは、「だから僕は、マックに移行しないんだよ!」と、ひざの上にMacBook Proを載せたまま、言いました。
そう、ダニエルと私は、全く同じMacBook Proを持っていながら、ウインドウズからマックへのメールデータが移行できないから、Windows専用機として使っていると言うことです。
PCの選定に関しては、ダニエルは意外と洗練したセンスを持っていますね・・・ ま、私もMacBook ProでMacOS 10.7 LionとWindowsのデュアルブートで使ってますけど。
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