Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Managing US Dollar Bills for the Blind people - アメリカの盲人は一体どうやって米国ドル紙幣を扱っているのか?

I always wondered how blind American people handle US dollar bills... Unlike Japanese yen that come with different lengths for different values, the size of US dollar bills are the same regardless of the values.

I asked Juan and Daniel how they handle the green bucks, and they told me the trick.

They usually ask the values of bills when they receive them, or when sighted people are available.
If no sighted people are not available, they can use iPhone apps to scan the bills and determine values. They showed me iBill Money Reader, which work pretty good for scanning and detecting the values of US dollars.

After finding out the values, they fold the bills in particular way so they can manage the bills.

For instance, no folding for $1, fold in half horizontally for $5, folding twice horizontally for $10, folding half vertically for $20, folding vertically once and once horizontally for $50, and folding vertically once and twice horizontally for $100.
Even blind people want to manage green bucks on their own!

The Closeup of US Dollars


最近、スマートフォンがかなり便利になってきており、iPhone用のアプリには、紙幣判別してくれるものが数多くあります。フアンとダニエルは、私と同じiPhone 4ユーザーなので、iBillのMoney Readerというのを使います。アプリを起動して、お札をカメラの前でちらつかせるだけ。シャッターを切るような操作は一切必要なく、瞬時に額面を判別し、読み上げてくれます。



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