For supper, Daniel did not make me cook; instead, he cooked a big meal to empty the fridge while he is travelling on business for a prolonged time.
いつものように、クッキングレッスンが行われるのかと思いきや・・・ ダニエルが料理してくれました。
While we are eating dinner, we talked about how I can keep motivated with echolocation and perceptual mobility technique I learned. I do worry about Japanese society not accepting these because they tend to value 'unity' and they believe that disabled people, including blind people. should stay together and not to cause for problems in Japanese society.
I believe echolocation and perceptual mobility is against Japanese unity, as it is to claim freedom, independance and responsibility, the thought and idea is very American, but I would like to find the way to blend these ideas together as I continue to improve the skills.
Daniel told me the three things blind people are afraid of.
1. Injury
2. Getting lost
3. Looking stupid
And he told me I shall not worry about any of those, I will do just fine.
In fact, these are the things that I do not worry about anymore after the echolocation training as I hit light poles numerous of times, I wander into different shops in a mall, and I do now yell for help if I need some, and I would walk towards walls and shelves as if I am a mad man...
But just come to think of, these three are what Japanese people DO worry about!
Japanese people do worry about getting injured, Japanese people do worry about getting lost, and Japanese people DO worry about being stupid... to fit into the society!
And it applies not only for blind Japanese people but sighted people, like the family members of the blind people, especially!
When I return to Japan, I promise I will keep them in minds. I may not fit in the Japanese society, but I believe in the 'No limits' attitude I learned from Daniel and Juan, and I will keep going my way!
1. 怪我をすること
2. 迷うこと
3. 恥をかくこと(変な人のように見られること)
My big thanks to Daniel to make all things happen!
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