He said he will meet me at the airport since he was traveling to LAX around the same time of the day. He told me I hold my white cane visible and make click sounds!
Oh well... I have not done practiced tongue clicks myself, and not sure whether my clicks would be ok to cut through the noise at the airport...
So, I ended up with calling for a sighted guide for an assistance, and I called his cell phone when I am around the baggage claim area, despite of his instruction.
Then, we managed to meet and greeted at the airport!
After meeting Daniel in person, we had waited for my checked baggage to show up at the carousel, but it did not show up for 45 minutes!
The sighted guide, the airport staff told me it will be there, but Daniel suggested we should go to lost baggage information, and started clicking his tongue and walking!
The guide and I followed him hastedly, saying excuse us, as Daniel leads our way without hesitation... without bumping into anyone!
We found out the baggage was showed up at carousel that we had waited more than 30 minutes ago, and we retrieved my baggage!
Through this incident, I learned how he clicks his tongue to navigate himself to wherever he wants to go.. demonstrated the power of echolocation in minutes after we met for the first place!
... and even a sighted person cannot find my suitcase that has been sitting for more than 1/2 hour!
彼は舌打ちをしながら、うまく人をよけて歩いているようですが、係員と私は、「Excuse us」といいながら歩くことに。
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