Thursday, October 13, 2011

Blind Wall Climbing Challenge - 盲人でもロッククライミング

Prior to hiking, Daniel told me we would have stream crossing and we could possible get close to a waterfall... but as I started showing my fatigue by not finding the path with echolocation and my cane, hitting trees and bushes, he changed his mind. - Give up on waterfall, but give me a different task... a wall climbing!

The problem of my perceptual mobility is that it is easy for me to lose concentration, and if I lose it, my brain stopps working, and I cannot straighten out myself, then start doing wrong things.
While I am attentive, I do perform okay, but when I lose concentration, I do terribly with echolocation... cannot listen to echos, cannot process perceptual information,; therefore, I suddenly lose my mobility.

Then, Daniel called out for lunch, but he gave one task... if I climb up on the stone wall!
Does that mean he is challenging me that I won't get some lunch unless I do it?
I cannot see, and how can I find steps to climb up on the wall?







えっ? ハイキングとは聞いていたけど、ウォールクライミングとか、ロッククライミングとかは予定では聞いていませんけど?


Me climing up a wall

I never thought I would climb the stone wall blind! Daniel told me he would show me how to climb up... but I have no eyesight, how can I see?

Without waiting for me say something, he found some steps on the stone wall and start climbing up, telling me he uses other perceptions especially touching this time. He touches the stones by hands and finding the next step, and bring one foot to the step. For sighted and advantitiously blind people, we wonder how to find the next step without a sight, but Daniel has no problem finding the next step.

... and Daniel shared a trick. He told me to touch his shoe!
He is wearing a light and thin shoe and he is barefooted!

On the other hand, I wore a pair of air cushioned, cross trainers by Nike and a pair of thick sport socks.

Daniel told me how I can feel the ground and terrain by this... I am losing all inportant perceptual information by wearing comfortable, cushioned footware!

Daniel told me he wares Merrell Barefoot series of shoes that are thin and durable, yet machine washable so they are practically designed to ware barefoot.
Daniel told me he should help me get a pair before I go back to Japan...






ダニエルの足を触ってみると、靴が軽くて薄い・・・ しかも、裸足のまま靴を履いている!




Daniel and Me eating Subway sandwiches

After all, we climbed up to the top, and found an area we two can sit, and had some subway sandwich!

Then, I noticed that Juan was behind me. Thought he was down at the wall...!?

It turned out that this is a part of a cabin wall, and there is a way around to get to the top, so I actually did not have to climb up the wall to get here!

Oh well, it was hellavan experience but I did not fall off and I enjoyed some thrill of blind wall climbing!






Me climing down the wall

1 comment:

  1. 久々に廣澤さんのブログ見たらクライミングまで体験されてたんですね、僕はモンキーマジックという視覚障害クライミング団体の体験会で、アイマスクをして登ってみたことがありますが、登る時よりも降りる時が怖かった…
