Monday, September 12, 2011

VoiceOver on MacOS X Lion / マックのスクリーンリーダーを使ってみて

As I was loosing my eyesight, I tried to see the screen by using zoom fuction built into MacOSX, but since I completely lost my sight, I started using its built-in screen reader, VoiceOver.

Since Apple is an American company, VoiceOver in English works great! It:s compatible with most Apple apps like Safari browser, Mail, iTunes, iPhoto and few other apps. I couldn:t imagine I still could udo most tasks on my Mac!
The other notable app that is compatible with VoiceOver is Skype, so I can even voice-chat with friends!

But alas, VoiceOver does not work well with some Apple genuine apps like Address Book and Aperture... Moreover, using facetime is rather frustrating.

Anyway, I am quite happy that I am a happy camper with VoiceOver, but I just wish it becomes bilingual... it automatically detects language and change speech with different language set flawlessly.

Macには、標準でVoiceOverというスクリーンリーダーソフトが付いています。MacOSX Lionでは、ついに日本語にも対応!今まで英語環境で使っていた自分にとっては朗報かも!?と思って使ってみましたが・・・




結果、インターネットブラウザで情報を読んだり、メールを読んだりは出来ますが、書くことが出来ないので、最終的にはWindows 7とPC-Talkerが欠かせません。


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