It was happened unexpectedly. As a blind who needs some assistance, I got a priority boarding. The automatic gate did not stop me, and I was seated in an economy class seat.
As more people get aboard, a flight attendant whispered me that they wish me a comfortable flight, and guided me to the business class cabin!
Later, I asked the chief attendant what made her place me in a near-empty business class cabin, and she said I were a JGC!
(JGC - JLL Global Club, the frequent flyer membership)
I could not say I am just a JAL CARD CLUB-A member, which gives near JGC but it is not really a frequent flyer status...
After all, the flight was much more comfortable that what it would be in economy class seating... but alas, the food was the same as economy. For the second meal, all I got was a piece of sandwich and a pickle!
後ほど、客室乗務員に「なぜビジネスクラスに案内して頂いたのですか?」と聞くと、「JGCですよね?」という質問が・・・。本当はJAL CARDのCLUB-Aだけなのですが、「そうですね」とうそを言う自分が、そこにありました。
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