Surprisingly, they gave me a go for this!
Then I grabbed my cell phone and accessed to ANA Sky Mobile website, looked up for my flight.
Of all choices or routes, I chose this one.
I had a choice of the entry point of the United States, and I chose Chicago over San Francisco and Los Angels because I wanted to arrive Dallas before dusk: I would arrive Dallas / Fort Worth later in the evening if I make a connection in West Coast cities.
After booking my flight, ai called ANA Sky Assist desk that handles any special needs for handicapped people, and I gave them my ANA mileage club frequent flyer number, and they dispatched the frontmost seats and a wheelchair at each airport. How efficient!
I told Daniel this is the Japanese hospitality,the reply from him was not what I would expect... He would not take a sheelchair, and if he or she insists, I just walk away!
Whoa... The airlines in Japan and the airport staff think making a blind person walk might bother, and interfere with other passengers, they tend to put him in a wheelchair, so it is easy for the blind and for the ground staff. But Daniel thinks it different.
Oh well, both ANA and United airlines have my past medical records and special assistance orders, they will insist I take their wheelchair offer!
その後、早速携帯電話を持ち出し、ANA SKY MOBILEにアクセス。航空券の手配に入りました。
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