Saturday, September 24, 2011

Negotiating the Training Fee / 訓練費用の交渉

Since no one sponsors me for Daniel's perceptual mobility training, or tongue clicking echolocation training, I started talking with Daniel for the conditions of possible individual training.

He said in his email that a few hundred a day would not hurt our feelings, so I told him I live on a disability pension that barely pays for housing and food.
I also cannot afford a hotel during my stay in California.

Oh well, I did my best to convince him that I really need this training for the rest of my life... Told him I am going back to school next year, and I want to be able to walk freely by then, I will be a great testimonial if I get the training and walking around in Japan, and I will help him spread what World Access for the Blind does, here in Japan...

After all, Daniel agreed to offer the training for two weeks for the minimal cost, and he will let me stay at his home as long as I want... But of course I can't stay there for the rest of my life, I asked him to let me stay until he gets very busy.

Then, I proceeded to the most difficult task... to convince my parents for letting me go!




あー、これじゃあ、障害基礎年金だけで生計を立てている自分にとっては雲の上の存在・・・ 無理かな。

と思ったのですが、交渉継続。来年には視覚特別支援学校(盲学校)に入学するので、それまでに舌打ち技能を身につけて「閉じこもり」から卒業したいこと、もし自分が舌打ちをマスターして、日本国内で実践したら、World Access for the Blind の宣伝にもなる、そして、もし日本にいる視力障害者および訓練士の方などとコミュニケーションをとりたいならば、私は協力を惜しまない、などなど、引き下がらずに交渉・・・

どうやらダニエルは、北米やヨーロッパでは活動が知られているが、日本での知名度はさほど無く、今後は日本でも、彼の「perceptual mobility approach」を広めていきたい、ということで、どうやらお互いの意図を理解し合えた感じ。



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