Monday, September 19, 2011

The men who sees the world with tongue clicks - 舌打ち音で世界を見る男

It was the end of 2010 and the beginning of 2011 that I finally getting used to use the internet on my computer, a bunch of my friends who learned I became a blind asked the similar questions - Can you click the tongue while walking? -

I had absolutely no idea until one of them sent me a link of a movie clip on YouTube.

Daniel Kish and Juan Ruiz using and explaining Echolocation - YouTube

I cannot figure out how to grab an embedded link for this movie clip, so I just posted the direct link to the YouTube movie link page.

When I heard (watched) it, I was stunned! I just could not helping whether other blind people in Japan know him, I asked the other blinds wherever I go... but no one takes it seriously, saying it:s so unreal, all we need is a sighted guide or family who take care of us.

Japanese people value harmony, rather than individuality and responsibility of self.

This was the day of my journey to seek for freedom and independence for my future, by exploring about echolocation and flash sonar - later found out I became the first Japanese man to be taught the skill in future!




Daniel Kish and Juan Ruiz using and explaining Echolocation - YouTube (英語)


早速次の日から、盲人のサークルやリハビリ訓練センターの人々に、舌打ち男について聞きまくりましたが、ご存知の方はほとんどいないようで・・・ しかも、「「あんな超人的なことは凡人にはできない」とか、「ガイドヘルパーか家族がいれば、外出に困らない」と言われる始末。

この時、「自分が証明してみせたい! 全盲でも、舌打ちでどれだけ自由に外出できるかを」 と思うようになりました。


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