One of the things I really wanted to do with echolocation is... to find out whether it works in Tokyo. This time, I came to Shibuya to try it out, by walking from my hotel, crossing the world-famous Shibuya Hachiko crossing, then find the Hachiko statue!
(I was with a friend, but he was only taking photos of me walking, neither directed nor helped in any way)

Basically, all I have to do is walk down the hill, take crosswalks twice then find the statue.
I started clicking my tongue and sliding my long white cane., observing the echo bounced off from buildings and panel signs from my left.
Walking in crowded place is not as tough as I thought because, as my friend says, people who see my white cane voluntarily get out of way!
My cane still do pick up things like sign panels left on the sidewalk, illegalluy @parked bikes, and people feet, but I think I can handle the busy road pretty well if I make use of my tongue click echolocation and a long white cane, they give clear warning.
基本的に、道玄坂上からハチ公までは、坂を下り、交差点を2回わたって・・・という感じなので、難易度は低いのですが、果たして東京の人込みの中を、エコロケーションで歩けるのか・・・ 舌打ちをしながら、長い白杖を振って、道玄坂を下り始めました。
Now, I am in front of the world-famous Shibuya scramble crossing that people go everywhere. I can't use echolocation technique because there are nothing bounce off from if I make click sounds. Can I make it?

Then, I heard the loud noise of big screen from the back!
If I walk away from it, I am heading to the right direction!
Then, I started walking to cross.

After crossing the scramble crossing safely, I clicked my tongue loud to avoid people and getting close to the Hachiko Statue... and Voila!

After coming to Hachiko, I took a step to find a restaurant, someone stepped on my cane and broke it!
The witnesses told me he ran away as soon as he broke it!
Welcome to Tokyo.
Without cane, I can no longer practise perceptual mobility, so I asked my friend to guide me for the rest of the day.