Monday, September 19, 2011

Departing Tokyo Narita Airport - 成田空港から出発!

In my first flight with JAL since I became blind, there was nothing to complain about the domestic flight from Fukuoka to Tokyo Narita. In other words, there was noting superior, but not disappointing. The flight attendants were nice and efficient, making sure I know the attendant call button.

At Tokyo Narita airport, a sighted guide greeted me outside the aircraft, offered to take my backpack for me, helped me getting on a tarmac, lead me to the bus to the terminal. On the way to the departure gate, he stopped by McDonalds for a quick lunch followed by currency exchange booth. He helped me getting through the security and immigration (I went through the priority / crew line, it seems!) to the gate.
His work as my guide is over after taking this shot.

I asked whether he is a JAL staff or Narita Airport Authority, he told me that he is the part of JAlL group company. JAL has a subsidiary company for handling handicapped and disabled.

全盲になってから初めてのJALでのフライト、福岡から成田までは、快適なエコノミー最前方席で。Class Jのすぐ後ろは、意外と足元が広いんですね。




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